Mr. Yoshitoshi Toyota served as CEO for Toyota Industries Corporation for 21 years. In his lifetime, while visiting mostly developing countries all over the world on his business trips, he grew concerned about the many children who were battling hardships in their quests for a better future.
He always believed that it is the children who create the future for their country, and they need to be equally protected and educated to nurture their sense of mutual respect and consideration. Without them, it is impossible to achieve a truly peaceful society.
Also as a person who had firsthand experience with war himself, he was instilled with the strong desire that no single child in the world should suffer from the maelstrom of war, and the desire for the realization of a peaceful society.
Our foundation is making every effort to contribute to world peace by providing children with the chance to empower themselves to be the leaders of the next generation by supporting the educators, the researchers and the organizations that share the beliefs of Mr. Toyota: Better education creates a better future.